TEKS / STANDARDS: The student applies mathematical process standards to develop and use strategies and methods for whole number computations and decimal sums and differences in order to solve problems with efficiency and accuracy. The student is expected to:
4.4 (H) solve with fluency one- and two-step problems involving multiplication and division, including interpreting remainders.
· Whole number computations
· Sum and differences using decimals
· Solve one and two step problems using multiplication / division
· Interpretation of remainders
REFLECTION: Through this lesson I became more aware of the skills that students are required to perform within each concept.
Addendum: During this activity I learned how to unpack skills within the same concept. This will allow me to take it step by step to ensure students' understanding. After this activity, I'm more aware of the verbs being used in order to understand the rigor of each skill. Since this was one of my last assignments I haven't been able to put it into practice. In the near future, I will unpack and analyze each skill with a closer look and align them with activities.